Walsall Needs Volunteers

Walsall MagazineA Message From John Morris, Walsall Council

Promoting Neighbourliness and helping those who are isolated.

Can you or someone you know volunteer and support anyone in your neighbourhood who is in isolation or vulnerable, or could be in the foreseeable future?

In response to the current situation around Coronavirus (Covid-19), Walsall Council and partners are working together in readiness to support our community, especially the elderly and vulnerable residents.

If you as an organisation or an individual would like to help with this by volunteering (for example, shopping, picking up medications, etc.) or providing resources (for example, storage facilities, kitchen facilities, etc.), please contact me as soon as possible on the details below.

Please share this message with others who may also want to give their support.

Thank you.

John Morris
Locality Manager – East
Resources and Transformation
Walsall Council
Civic Centre – 1st Floor Zone 1b
Darwall Street
Walsall WS1 1TP

Tel: 01922 653711
Mobile: 07852 421421
Email: John.Morris@walsall.gov.uk

Website: www.walsall.gov.uk