Pleck Traveller Site Ready to Open In April

Work on a temporary site in Pleck built for the Gypsy, Traveller and Romany community is almost complete, with plans to open in April.

The transit site off Narrow Lane in Pleck Walsall has space for six caravans with access to showers, toilets and utilities.

Councillor Garry Perry, Deputy Leader for Resilient Communities said:

“I’m fully aware that many local residents in Pleck are concerned about the site. This is a temporary site and how well it works, or doesn’t work, will be under regular review and will inform any future planning.

“This pilot temporary site is all about trying to find a balance between the needs of permanent residents and the travelling community, for the greater good of all. In this country, both have a legal right to their choice of lifestyle and free movement.

“Unauthorised encampments have long been a source of frustration for residents in terms of anti-social behaviour and waste left behind, which is often, but not always, the case. We have to work within the law and this can result in a cat-and-mouse game on occasions, which is of course frustrating to residents.

“Walsall is slap-bang in the heart of England and with the M6 running through the borough, realistically, the travelling community is always going to stop-over in Walsall so this is about trialling a new way of doing things.

“This is another significant step forward in finding the balance between offering a suitable place of transit and removing the pressure that Unauthorised Encampments can sometimes bring. 

“Our borough has a proud tradition of being a place of welcome and the diversity of Walsall cultures and ethnicity bears witness to that. At a meeting of the council’s overview and scrutiny committee in April 2021, Abiline McShane said ‘the GTR community felt they were not wanted anywhere’. I, for one, welcome any community seeking to come to our borough, even if only temporarily, if they wish to live in harmony with surrounding communities.”