Making Life Easier

Firmcare Mobility: Making Life Easier

It can be easy to forget that loved ones are not getting any younger and may be experiencing some difficulties with everyday living. Very often it is older people themselves who find it hard to accept that a little extra help is needed and even if it is welcomed, it can be hard to know where to turn for advice. A little bit of forward planning and adaptation can make things much easier for all concerned and Steve Rollings, Managing Director of Firmcare Mobility Ltd is very much aware of this fact.

“It is easy to miss that relatives may be struggling with everyday tasks such as bending, standing up or gripping things,” he says. “Balance may not be perfect any more or stairs have become a problem. It’s easy to miss these things on a day-to-day basis but they often become much more obvious when families have the chance to spend some quality time together.”

It can sometimes be hard to know how to help but Firmcare have a superb range of products designed to help people retain their independence for longer. As well as individual advice and support, they offer free catalogues to browse at home.

“Where we score is personal service,” explains Steve. “With a larger store of using the internet, people very often end up buying the wrong or most expensive product. We endeavour to sell the right product for the customer’s needs.”

Mobility Equipment

Wheelchairs are now available for hire, both self-propelled and attendant controlled. Other mobility equipment can also be hired including hospital high back chairs, mobility scooters, powered wheel chairs and walking aids. This can be a good option before committing to buying a piece of equipment, particularly if you are not sure which one will suit you best.


Firmcare offers an impressive range of rise-and recline chairs. These are UK-produced chairs (available for next-day delivery) with a choice of five fabrics and two styles of back. There is a choice of three sizes as well as three different motor configurations each one also has matching sofas if required.

If people can wait a little longer (usually 7 – 10 working days), the bespoke made-to-measure chairs are also incredibly popular. With these chairs, customers can expect to order exactly what they want in terms of sizing, style and options – even including built-in heat and massage. There is a wide range of fabrics including vinyl, leather and waterproof to name but a few.

“A chair is not just a chair, any more than shoes are just shoes,” says Steve. “A chair made personally to suit your needs will offer a much higher degree of comfort. Times have changed and many of the fabrics no longer look and feel as you may expect. Take waterproof fabrics for example: these no longer the crinkly rustling materials they once were.”

In the case of a progressive illness for example, a chair can be ‘future-proofed’. If a pressure cushion is likely to be needed in the future, the chair can be made so that the cushion can be changed. The cushions can also be Velcro-ed so they can be moved as needed.


The rise and recline range has a wide choice of options and can be more or less what the customer requires. These come in a variety of styles with a choice of headboards. Fabrics and upholstery can complement existing furniture if desired. Built-in features such as massage pads and height adjustment are also popular.

Stair Lifts

There is a range of Stannah lifts (which can be rented or bought) and can be fitted on straight or curved staircases. If customers would like to try before they buy, Firmcare’s showrooms offer a lift which can be tested.

Bathroom & Wet Room Adaptations & Walk In Baths

Firmcare can help you choose the most suitable option for you.

Daily Living Aids

Sometimes it’s the small things which can really make a difference to the quality of everyday life. Firmcare offers a wide choice of mobility aids to make tasks a little bit easier.

“Some of our top selling products are from our continence care range,” explains Steve. “It’s a delicate subject which people are often embarrassed to discuss so when they need help, they don’t know where to go.”

Other living aids include wide-handled cutlery, dressing rails, grab rails, wheelchairs and commodes. Wide-fitting footwear and Helping Hands can make people’s lives much easier, as can bathing aids such as bath lifts, walk-in baths and shower stalls. It’s always worth visiting Firmcare to discuss individual difficulties as often there is a solution which people may not even be aware exists – and this is where the personal touch at Firmcare really comes into its own, making life easier.