Walsall Community Book Exchange Launches In Beechdale

A new book exchange service has launched at the Beechdale Lifelong Learning Centre in Walsall.


The book exchange was set up with the help of Birchills-Leamore councillors Gaz Ali and Amo Hussain.

The initiative from the charity Residents R Us builds on the existing services at the centre, which include a community charity shop and a food bank.

Sue Lycett, chairwoman of Residents R Us, said: “We also provide general advice and signposting service which is totally confidential or they can just pop in for a coffee and a chat our doors are always open to everyone. We also run a food bank. everyone needs help sometime.”

Volunteers at the centre have also been doing some amazing work over the summer, organising litter picking and arranging trips for local youngsters.

The Beechdale Lifelong Learning Centre also runs a variety of programmes for adults and youngsters, including leisure courses and is situated at Stephenson Square, Walsall, WS2 7DY.