Walsall Council Enforces Public Ban on Council Meetings Following Pro-Palestine Protest

Walsall Council has announced a ban on public attendance at its council meetings, following a recent Pro-Palestine protest at a full council meeting last week.

walsall council office
Walsall Council House

The council’s decision came in the wake of a demonstration where Pro-Palestine activists interrupted a council session to demand action with shouts of “ceasefire now” causing significant disruption that led the meeting to being abandoned.

Walsall Council stated that the ban is a temporary measure, aimed at ensuring the safety of both council members and the public, citing vulnerabilities in their security protocols and raising concerns over the potential for future incidents that could compromise the council’s ability to conduct its business effectively.

The ban has implications for how Walsall residents engage with their local government. For some, attending council meetings is a direct way to stay informed, express opinions, and hold elected officials accountable. The decision to exclude the public from meetings has left some residents feeling disenfranchised and disconnected from the decision-making processes that affect their lives.

In response to the backlash, the council is reportedly considering alternative approaches to address security concerns without completely shutting out the public. This includes stricter security checks for attendees, rather than an outright ban.