Walsall Council Wants To Fine Drivers For Moving Traffic Offences

Walsall Council has announced plans to apply for moving traffic enforcement powers, but is first seeking the opinion of residents.

The powers would allow the council to enforce certain restrictions, such as driving through a no-entry sign, driving where motor vehicles are prohibited and turning left or right when instructed not to do so.

This would allow the council to install CCTV traffic enforcement cameras in certain areas and charge motorists £70 for a traffic offence.

Areas in the town that would be an initial focus would be:

School street prohibition of driving at: Brownhills West Primary, Manor Primary, Pool Hayes Primary, Whetstone Field Primary, Palfrey Junior School, Holy Trinity Primary, Lodge Farm Primary, Pinfold Street Primary, Old Church Primary and County Bridge Primary.

Prohibition of driving at: Market Place / Wolverhampton Street / Stafford Street (Willenhall Town Centre) and Park Street / Station Street / Gallery Square / The Bridge / Digbeth / Lower Hall Lane / High Street (Walsall Town Centre)

Prohibited turn at: Hatherton Road into Lichfield Street, Walsall Town Centre banned right turn and High Street into Victoria Avenue, Bloxwich, banned right turn.

Yellow box junction at: Littleton Street West at New College Way and Wisemore and Littleton Street West at Stafford Street, Walsall Town Centre.

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader of Walsall Council said:

“Put simply, we want safe streets for all highway users. We want to reduce the dangers created by drivers who, often wilfully, ignore moving traffic restrictions.

“We want to improve safety around our schools as a priority. But we also want to lessen unnecessary traffic congestion that causes delays for public transport and other traffic within the borough.

“To prepare our submission to the Secretary of State, we are very keen to first listen to residents’ views on the proposals via a short survey.” 

Historical data has been examined and this has informed the draft proposals. Enforcement will take place using technology approved by the Department for Transport (DfT) such as CCTV traffic enforcement cameras.  

A survey for Walsall residents is available now until 30 December 2022.