Potential Walsall Foster Carers Invited To Online Session

If you are interested in fostering in Walsall and would like to find out more, Walsall Council is continuing its online sessions later this month allowing potential foster carers to ask questions and discover more from a team of experts.

fostering walsall

The next session takes place on Tuesday 21 September and focuses on teenagers and sibling groups. The group will be hosted by an experienced team, as well as local foster carers.

To book a place on the call, you’ll need to register on the Fostering Walsall webpage. The session begins at 6pm and will last for one hour. Further information on how to join will be given once registered.

If you do miss this online event, there are further meet-ups on 19 October, 16 November and 14 December, 2021.

If you cannot attend, but are interesting to know more about foster care in Walsall, then contact the team on: 0800 923 3706, email fosteringinwalsall@walsall.co.uk , or visit www.fosteringinwalsall.co.uk