We Need Your Nominations

We want to know about people who have gone the extra mile for others during these very difficult times.  We’ve already received some nominations but we want more!  We know there are lots of people out there in our local community going above and beyond the call of duty to help others.

Please email editor@pioneermagazines.co.uk. Give us the full name of the person you want to nominate, their phone number and tell us why they deserve a thank you.  We will publish as many nominees as we can in our next printed editions of The Pioneer Magazines and Great Barr Gazette and we will send them a small token of appreciation from our team.

Your nominee could be someone who is carrying on their usual job in public service in very difficult or distressing circumstances. They could be volunteering their time for a charity or food bank. Or they could be a neighbour who is helping with the shopping. They could be a teacher who is helping your son or daughter study whilst being away from school.  Or someone who has come up with an innovative way to help our NHS staff or Care Workers in our local Care Homes. What ever your reason for wanting to say “THANK YOU”, we want to know!

Please get nominating!

Thank you.

Editor Great Barr Gazette